

John Bray, Matthew 24 Fulfilled, 1996, 293 pages.

       John Bray provides a detailed historical overview of the events associated with the fulfillment of Christ’s prophecy as contained in the Olivet Discourse. Pastor Bray provides solid evidence for the return of Christ at the time of the Roman-Jewish war of A.D. 66-73. A must read for getting a real feel for the historical realities envisioned by the Olivet prophecy.

Ralph Woodrow, Great Prophecies of the Bible, 1989, 173 pages, and His Truth is Marching On, 1996, 112 pages.

       Ralph Woodrow does an excellent job of placing prophetic Scripture in its historical setting. In so doing, he shows that many prophecies have already been fulfilled. Mr. Woodrow deals with such diverse subjects as “The Kingdom of God,” “The coming of Elijah,” “The New Jerusalem,” “The antichrist,” and a variety of issues associated with the Olivet Discourse. I recommend reading his books listed above as a great introduction to looking at Scripture in its contextual and historical setting.

Max King, The Cross and the Parousia of Christ, 1987, 759 pages. The Spirit of Prophecy, 1971/2002, 435 pages.

       Max King presents an in-depth study of the dynamics associated with the return of Christ in the first century. Pastor King shows in great detail how covenantal change is the focus of the Scriptures and how the return of Christ is the consummation of this change. Pastor King deals extensively with the issue of resurrection and how it relates to covenantal change.  For those not wishing to read a book of this magnitude, Pastor King has also published The Spirit of Prophecy, 1971/2002, 435 pages. This book covers much of the same material as found in The Cross and The Parousia of Christ, but in less detail.

James Stuart Russell, The Parousia, 1878, 561 pages.

       Mr. Russell served as pastor of a Congregational Church in Baywater England between 1862 and 1888. This book serves to demonstrate that the view of a first-century return of Christ is not something that just recently popped up. Pastor Russell provides extensive documentation as to a first-century return of Christ. Pastor Russell systematically goes through the New Testament Scripture and shows how the central focus of the teachings of Christ and the apostles was the imminent fulfillment of “end time” events within the first century. This book is a very good read.

This book can be read online at: http://www.preteristcentral.com/pdf/pdf%20books/1878_russel_parousia.pdf

Josephus (37 to 100 AD): Complete Works, 1960, translated by William Whiston, published by Kregal Publications, Grand Rapids Michigan. 

       Josephus provides exhaustive detail of the  Roman/Jewish war and the destruction of the temple to which he was an eye witness in AD 70.  The complete works of Josephus can be read online at: https://www.ccel.org/ccel/j/josephus/complete/cache/complete.pdf

Ancient History by George Rawlinson, revised edition, 1900, published by Colonial Press.

Kenneth L. Gentry, Before Jerusalem Fell (Dating the Book of Revelation), 1989, 353 pages. The Beast of Revelation, 1989/1994,188 pages.

      Kenneth Gentry examines in great detail every reasonable objection to a pre-A.D. 70 dating for the Book of Revelation. He presents clear and precise documentation as to why the book of Revelation had to be written prior to A.D. 70. Dr. Gentry’s book is well researched, objectively written and well documented. Dr. Gentry provides a sound foundation for the thesis that the revelation given to John was directed to the early Church to prepare and warn them about the imminent destruction that was about to befall Jerusalem. I highly recommend this book. I also recommend reading another book by Dr. Gentry entitled, The Beast of Revelation. This book identifies the “beast” as being connected with first-century Rome, not some future governmental leader as often believed.

Greg Albrecht, Revelation Revolution, 2005,131 pages.

       Greg Albrecht provides an overview of the Book of Revelation and emphasizes seeing the narrative presented in this book through the eyes of first century Christians.  However, he often departs from this approach and proceeds to see its many symbols and metaphors in spiritual terms and having application throughout Christian history.  Mr. Albrecht see the Revelation written subsequent to the AD 70 events and the return of Christ as future to us.   

Ernest L. Martin, The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot, 2000, 476 pages.

       Ernest Martin provides significant evidence to show that the Jerusalem temple of the first century was completely destroyed as Christ said it would be. Dr. Martin’s conclusions challenge the common belief that the “wailing wall” in Jerusalem constitutes remains of the first-century temple. Dr. Martin provides strong documentation from the Scriptures and secular history that the Jerusalem temple was not located over the Dome of The Rock (the Haram esh-Sharif) but was instead located about a third of a mile south of the Dome Of The Rock, near the Gihon Spring. During the Roman invasion in A.D. 70, this area was completely leveled and actually became a farm field. Dr. Martin concludes that the present site of the Dome of the Rock, which includes the “wailing wall,” are the remains of the Roman fort, Antonia.

Samuel M. Frost, Misplaced Hope, 2002, 210 pages.

       Samuel Frost discusses how the Christian leadership of the first and second century viewed the return of Christ. Mr. Frost also examines the Church creeds relative to this issue. This book does an excellent job of clarifying the reasoning of early Christian leadership relative to the timing of Christ’s return. I highly recommend this book.

Gary DeMar, Last Days Madness, 1999, 442 pages.

       Gary DeMar provides a systematic investigation of the many dynamics that are associated with the last days time frame of Scripture. Mr. DeMar provides astute analysis of Scripture and history to demonstrate that the last days of Scripture are past and not future. This is an excellent foundational book for anyone that has not had much exposure to the past fulfillment view.

John Noe, Beyond the End Times, 1999, 299 pages.

       Dr. John Noe examines a wide range of dynamics associated with the return of Christ in the first century. Dr. Noe provides clear evidence to show that “the end” spoken of in Scripture has nothing to do with the end of our planet earth, but instead with the end of the Old Covenant age. Another good foundational book for the newcomer to the past fulfillment view.

R.C. Sproul, The Last Days According to Jesus, 1998, 228 pages.

       R.C. Sproul meets head on the challenge of skeptics who claim the Scriptures are invalid because Christ didn’t return when He said He would. Mr. Sproul shows what Christ taught about His return and how what He taught relates to the destruction of the temple and the city of Jerusalem in A.D. 70.

Don K. Preston, Who Is This Babylon, 1999, 210 pages. Updated 2011, 333 pages. The Resurrection of Daniel 12:2, 2016, 390 pages, We Shall Meet Him in The Air, 2009, 351 pages. 

       In Who Is This Babylon, Don Preston provides clear evidence that the Babylon of the Revelation is first-century Jerusalem. Mr. Preston presents a well-reasoned and documented analysis to arrive at this conclusion. This book provides yet another verification of the first-century application of the Revelation as opposed to the futurism so often applied to this book. In The Resurrection of Daniel 12:2, Mr. Preston presents a comprehensive overview of how Daniel 12:2 has been fulfilled. We Shall Meet Him in The Air is a comprehensive explanation of 1st Thessalonians chapter four.

Randall Otto, Coming in the Clouds, 1994, 286 pages.

       Randall Otto challenges the common belief that the return of Christ must be a visible event. Mr. Otto presents an extensive investigation of how the Scriptures use clouds in association with divine activity. This book is well researched and provides a strong argument for a non-visible return of Christ.

John A.T. Robinson, The Body, 1952, 2002 reprint, 107 pages. Redating the New Testament, 1976, 360 pages.

       John A.T. Robinson discusses the manner in which apostle Paul understands and uses the concept “body” in his theology. This book is very helpful in seeing Paul’s use of body in eschatological terms. This well researched book is supportive of viewing resurrection in a corporate manner, grounded in the “Body of Christ.”  In "Redating the New Testament," Robinson presents a strong case for seeing all the NT documents written before AD 70.

N.T. Wright, The New Testament and the People Of God, 1992, 476 pages. Jesus and the Victory of God, 1996, 662 pages. The Resurrection of the son of God, 2003, 738 pages.

       In the first book, Dr. Wright provides a very comprehensive and detailed assessment of first-century Judaism and the role that Judaism played in the development of Christianity. In the second book, Dr. Wright focuses on Christ in his role as a prophet of events He saw as shortly coming to pass. In his third book, Dr Wright extensively discusses how the Scriptures treat the subject of resurrection.  Dr. Wright is a former Anglican bishop and considered one of the leading Jesus scholars of our day.

David Chilton, Paradise Restored, 1985, 341 pages. The Days of Vengeance, 1987, 664 pages.

       David Chilton expresses how the consummation at the end of the Old Covenant age established the everlasting Kingdom of God. Mr. Chilton shows how we, as participants in the spiritual Kingdom, can advance its message. This book provides great insight into what our role should be as Christians in the New Covenant Age. Mr. Chilton also authored The Days of Vengeance, 1987, 664 pages. This book deals with the Revelation and its application to first century fulfillment. A good read.

Arthur M. Ogdon, The Avenging of the Apostles and Prophets, Second Edition, 1991, 469 pages.

       Arthur M. Odgon discusses the Revelation from the perspective of first-century fulfillment. Mr. Odgon provides good historical background to the war between Rome and the Jews. As the title of his book suggests, he portrays the events described in the Revelation as avenging the apostles and prophets for what they had suffered from the adversaries of God.

Edward E. Stevens, Expectations Demand A First Century Rapture, 2003, 152 pages.  Final Decade Before the End, 2014, 243 pages.

      In his first book, Edward Stevens provides a detailed recounting of how the first century leadership of the developing Christian Church taught that Christ would return in their generation to facilitate both the resurrection of the dead and the rapture of the living saints into the heavenly realm. His second book provides a great deal of historical background that supports a first century fulfillment of eschatological events.

Kurt M Simmons, The Consummation of the Ages, 2003, 462 pages.

       Kurt Simmons does a verse by verse commentary on the Book of Revelation and provides insights into how all that is written in the Revelation pertains to the Roman/ Jewish war that led to the destruction of the temple and the city of Jerusalem. Mr. Simmons shows that much of the imagery used in the Revelation is found in the writings of the Old Testament prophets. Mr. Simmons presents what he believes is evidence for there being  two different and separate millenniums spoken of in the Revelation. He refers to this perspective as Bimillennial Preterism.   

Ian D. Harding, Taken To Heaven In A.D. 70, 2005, 335 pages.

       Ian Harding discusses multiple dozens of New Testament Scriptures that he believes demonstrates the first century Church clearly expected to experience resurrection/transformation of the dead and translation (rapture) of living Christians into the heavenly realm at the return of Christ in AD 70.

Travis M Snow, The 70 Weeks Jubilee, 2021, 354 pages.

       In this volume, Mr. Snow presents a futuristic perspective as to end time events and in so doing unwittingly exposes the weaknesses in such perspective. This is especially evident in his discussion of Jesus' use of the word "generation" which I discuss in Part Three of this series.

Bart Ehrman, Armageddon (What the Bible Really Says About the End). 2023, 235 pages

       Professor Ehrman, while acknowledging a first century expectation as to the return of Christ, argues for a late date for the Book of Daniel, a post AD 70 writing of the Revelation and the Babylon of the Revelation being the city of Rome.

Tom and Steven Kloske, The Second Coming: Mission Accomplished (An Alternative View To Current End-Times), 2003, 621 pages.

       Tom and Steve Kloske present a comprehensive collection of the writings of numerous theologians and Biblical scholars who comment on the eschatological narratives found in the New Testament.  Their book discusses a unique perspective of the resurrection that is associated with the return of Christ.